Friday, January 14, 2011


“Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit.” ~~Author Unknown~~

There are days when nothing seems to go right. This morning was starting out that way. But I followed a car home from dropping my son off at day care, and there was a bumper sticker on the back that read, “Laugh Every Day!” That inspired me. 5 minutes ago I certainly did not feel like I had anything to laugh about. And then I thought of you. Those of you reading this at least make me smile. So, thanks. And then I thought of the GREAT group of people I spoke with last night at my presentation on Social Media for the Job Search. You all made me smile, and at times last night, we definitely laughed. So, thanks! And my friends; you all help me laugh so often that there is certainly enough laughter “on credit” to last a lifetime. So, thanks! A little motivation for my day today… laughter may really be the best medicine, and remembering that is a great way to choose my attitude!

What can you laugh about today?

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