Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday: Preparation

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” ~Anatole France

My Sunday nights often consist of preparation and planning for the week that lies ahead. It helps me feel as though I’m productive immediately upon the start of my work day on Monday. Sometimes however, things like Game 6 get in the way of what I know to be the right thing to do. (GO YANKEES!) So be it. With enough preparation from the end of last week, and a little work over the weekend, I’m still ready to face this week with enthusiasm.

That being said, it is a challenge to figure out what to do first when there is just too much to do, and it can get overwhelming. So, here’s my advice today: Take it one step at a time. Make your To Do list, and cross things off as you go. It gives you a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day/week.

And, here’s my word of caution: Don’t let MAKING your To Do List become a day-long task. Don’t get sucked in to having that list be perfect or even complete. You can always add to it or edit it anytime you want.

“It pays to plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.” ~Author Unknown

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