Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday: Focus

“Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.” Nido Qubein

Sometimes it is really hard to clear your mind of the noise. The world of technology in which we live today makes it very hard for some (me!) to unplug and focus on the task at hand. I want to check Twitter or Facebook to make sure I’m not missing any big news. I hear the notification that an email has come in and I immediately feel like I have to go check it. I have had to devise a complex mind game… really, I just turn the volume off on my computer and log out of every browser and stay focused on the target. OK, fine. But I work from home… so what about the laundry, or the grocery shopping… And I got up extra early this morning to take a call from China, so how about a nap… Discipline and focus are, in my opinion, two of the biggest hurdles to get over when you’re feeling any lack of motivation. So here’s the reminder for today, mostly because I need it! FOCUS ON YOUR SUCCESS! Do you have that target in mind? Can you see it? Don’t falter… Go get it!

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